Creating A Wallet On Krystal Wallet

You are only able to create a Krystal Wallet on the mobile app (iOS | Android). If you are using Krystal via desktop, you will only be able to connect a wallet.

If you already have created a wallet on another platform like Metamask or Trust Wallet, you can refer to the guide on 'Importing A Wallet' instead.

How to create a wallet on Krystal (Mobile)

Here are 4 steps to create a wallet on Krystal:

#1 Select 'Create a new wallet'

Upon launching the application, you will be given 2 options:

  • Create a wallet

  • Import a wallet

To create a new wallet, select 'Create Wallet'.

#2 Enter your wallet's name and referral code (if applicable)

On the next page, you will be prompted to edit your wallet's name and enter a referral code:

Step 3: Obtain your wallet addresses

On Krystal, you will be creating a multi-chain wallet, which will have both EVM-compatible and Solana wallet addresses.

These addresses are safe to be shared with anyone, as they are your public keys.

You can choose to back up your wallet now, or proceed to start browsing on the Krystal app straightaway.

In the second scenario, you will be prompted to back up your wallet after the creation process.

Step 4: Backing up your wallet's seed phrase

For the next step, you will be asked to back up your wallet's seed phrase.

A seed phrase acts as a master password for your wallet. This can be used to recover your wallet, or import it to another wallet application.

It is VERY important that you DO NOT:

  • Lose your seed phrase

  • Share your seed phrase with ANYONE, not even someone who claims they are from Krystal

In the event that someone is able to obtain your seed phrase, they are able to gain full control over the assets in your wallet.

It is highly recommended that you write your seed phrase down on a piece of paper, instead of taking a screenshot of it.

Keeping digital copies of your seed phrase makes it more vulnerable to hacks, as there may be hackers that can take over your laptop and note down the seed phrase that you have recorded.

You can find out more about what a seed phrase is in our article here.

Step 5: Verify your seed phrase

To verify that you have written down your seed phrase, you will be prompted to enter 2 out of the 12 words.

After setting up your PIN,

you will have successfully created a wallet on Krystal.

By default, all wallets created on Krystal are Multi-Chain wallets. This means that you will have support for both EVM-compatible networks and the Solana network.

Creating an additional wallet on Krystal

If you already have a wallet on Krystal, and want to create a new wallet, you will need to:

  1. Select the bar on the top left-hand corner

  2. Tap on the '+' icon at the top right-hand corner to create a new wallet

    This will bring you to the previous screen to either create or import a new wallet.

Last updated