Liquidity tracking

You can track all the stats about your position here

Krystal offers a snapshot of your liquidity provision activities. Here's how to interpret the different sections:

Liquidity stats

Current liquidity: the current value of liquidity in the LP

Deposited liquidity: the total deposited liquidity value recorded at the time of deposits

Withdrawn liquidity: the total withdrawn liquidity value recorded at the time of withdrawals

HODL value: the value of liquidity if you hodl in the wallet instead of providing liquidity

Position value: the current value of all assets in the LP including Current liquidity, Unclaimed fees, Unclaimed rewards

Position value = Current liquidity + Unclaimed fees + Unclaimed rewards

Impermanent loss: represents the potential reduction in value due to market price fluctuations compared to holding assets..

Impermanent loss = Current liquidity - HODL value

Earning stats

Unclaimed fees: the current value of unclaimed fees in the LP

Claimed fees: the total claimed fees value in the LP recorded at the time of claiming

Unclaimed rewards: the current value of unclaimed rewards in the LP

Claimed rewards: the total claimed rewards value in the LP recorded at the time of claiming

Earning = Unclaimed fees + Claimed fees + Unclaimed rewards +Claimed rewards

Performance stats

Compare to HOLD: If the Compare to HODL value is positive, your LP is making profits compared with holding assets in your wallet. On the other hand, your LP is making losses if this value is negative.

Compared to HODL = Earning + Impermanent loss

Profit and loss (PnL): Your total performance, including the token gain/loss, impermanent loss, and the fee generated.

PnL = Position value + Claimed fees & rewards + Withdrawn liquidity - Deposited liquidity

ROI: Return on your total Investment

ROI = PnL / Total deposited liquidity * 100%

APR: Annual Percentage Rate - the annual yield rate of your current liquidity. This is a dynamic number to estimate the yield, the actual performance could be reflected in the PnL and ROI above.

APR = (24h earning * 365) / Current liquidity * 100%

This interactive dashboard is designed to provide you with the necessary insights to manage and optimize your liquidity provision effectively

Last updated