Zap In

Zap In streamlines the process of creating a position by allowing you to add liquidity with a single transaction.

Instead of manually swapping tokens and adding liquidity, Krystal can now facilitate this process in a single transaction. Select 'Zap In' to automatically convert your chosen token into the necessary pair and add it to the liquidity pool in one step.

Choose any token from your wallet, and Krystal will automatically convert it to the correct pool token ratio and add it to the liquidity pool.

Use 'Zap In' to simplify your liquidity management.

  • Deposit slippage: Your transaction will revert if the price changes unfavorably by more than this percentage.

  • Swap slippage: Your transaction will revert if the zap in liquidity unfavorably by more than this percentage

  • The new liquidity amount may be less than the amount displayed due to transaction slippage, but any difference will be returned to your wallet in the same transaction.

Last updated