Multi-Chain vs Network-Specific Wallet

A Multi-Chain wallet allows you to connect to different blockchain networks, regardless if they are EVM-compatible or not.

Some examples of EVM-compatible networks include Ethereum and BNB Smart Chain. Meanwhile, some non-EVM-compatible networks include Solana and Polkadot.

We strongly recommend you create a Multi-Chain wallet to have the convenience of all blockchain networks with just one wallet!

If you are importing a network-specific wallet, you will only be limited to that particular network.

For example, importing a network-specific EVM-compatible wallet will mean that you do not have access to the Solana network.

Meanwhile, importing a network-specific Solana wallet will mean that you do not have access to the other EVM-compatible wallets.

Segregation of wallets

Krystal will segregate your Multi-Chain wallets from network-specific wallets.

Multi-Chain wallets allow you to connect to both EVM-compatible networks and Solana.

However, network-specific wallets only allow you to connect to one type: either EVM-compatible or the Solana network.

This means that your Multi-Chain wallet will have 2 different deposit addresses, while your network-specific wallet only has one address (either an EVM-compatible address starting with 0x), or a Solana address.

Last updated